Costume/Cosplay Contest Rules *

1. No nudity or semblance of nudity allowed.  This is a family event. All costumes must be secured at all times, without episodes of indecency or wardrobe malfunctions.

2. Each contestant may only enter one costume into competition.

3. Weapons are not allowed.  Swords, knives, or any other metal objects with an edge are prohibited.  Guns, or anything that shoots a projectile are forbidden.

4. Please wear footwear at all times. Skates and rollerblades are not permitted.

5. No messy substances are allowed. No explosive or other similar special effects are allowed.

6. Every part of each contestant’s costume must leave with him or her after the walk-on is completed.

7. No profanity, political, or religious statements or signage are allowed during the contest.

8. Contestants will be judged according to their costume’s resemblance to the character it is based on, representation of their costume, and craftsmanship skill.

9. Mock or play-fighting is not allowed inside the building.

We reserve the right to ban or remove any attendees who do not follow the above rules or are creating a disturbance or hazard for other attendees.  Please be courteous and respectful to others, and have fun!


*  These rules will be updated and finalized closer to the actual comic con date.  Please check this page for updates so you can plan your cosplay accordingly.

East Islip Public Library
381 E Main Street
East Islip, NY 11730
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
For our Sunday hours, please contact the library
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631) 581-9200
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